Monday, June 25, 2012


Have any of you ever been bullied before? I have! I never really liked my childhood. I've been bullied by name-calling, punched in the stomach for no reason, made fun of because I was different, etc. Through it all, I became a stronger person. 

Kids can be so cruel! Why do people do this? Well, they do this because they are insecure themselves. For them to feel superior, they need to pick on the weak little guys to make themselves feel good. 

With all the bullying going around and even cyber bullying making it in the news, it's totally nuts! You see kids that take it so personal that taking their own life was the only way to deal with it. Isn't that sad? Death was the only option because they felt that they'd probably be better off not being in this world or the world is better off without them. For those of you cuties who are being bullied, don't let the bullies tear you down! You need to remember one thing, it's not your fault and you're doing nothing wrong. Some victims may not even resort to death, but turn to self inflicted pain due to depression. You are not alone cuties! Please talk to someone or even message me. The world needs you. Perhaps whatever you're enduring right now, you'll find your purpose that you won't ever allow this to happen to anyone else! YOU have a greater cause here. YOU can stop others from being bullied! Let's try to stop this once and for all!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Posh Pets

Do any of you have pets? Do you love your pets and treat them like they're royalty? 

Do they have an awesome bed much better looking than yours even!? 0_o

I watched Posh Pets on HGTV today and, what can I say, these pets are so spoiled! What great lives! They are way too cute! These pets get totally pampered! 

They get groomed, they get their nails done, fly on private jets, pet hotels, massages, pet photography, etc.

Like whoa! There are those out there who thinks owners are beyond crazy for doing this, but I don't think so! I love my dog so much, I probably spoil my doggy just as bad. There isn't nothing I wouldn't do for my dog! My doggy has always been a great loyal companion and has never left my side when times got "RUFF". I love my cute doggy! Doggies deserved to be spoiled! 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Internet Trolls! Yuck!

What are they and why are they there? And nope they aren't these kind of popular trolls from back in the day..

I'm talking about the not so cute "internet trolls". These are the trolls that come onto your site or other sites and bash/flame others purposely for the heck of it. They get a kick out of it and love getting people pissed off! I can't think of any reason why they would do such a thing other then that they have no life, are depressed, want attention because they don't get any, have a horrible upbringing where their parents neglect them, low self-esteem, insecure, get angry easily, hate the world, hate themselves, want to create controversy to draw attention to their own site to get more views, pretty much nothing positive about them.

They are totally NOT "cutie" material! But what can us cuties really do? Well, all you can really do is be the bigger person! A very wise advice that I found on the net is..

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Strawberry Shortcake Recipe

Yummy! I totally found this awesome recipe on the FoodNetwork and I just LOVE Strawberry Shortcake. I have yet to try it out. I just wanted to share it with you all since this recipe has really high ratings.

Recipe by Mary Nolan

Total Time:
1 hr 10 min
20 min
30 min
20 min
6 servings


  • 1 1/2 pounds strawberries, stemmed and quartered
  • 5 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/2 cups heavy cream
  • Whipped Cream, recipe follows


Mix strawberries with 3 tablespoons sugar and refrigerate while juices develop, at least 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
Sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, remaining 2 tablespoons sugar, and salt in a medium bowl. Add heavy cream and mix until just combined. Place mixture in an ungreased 8-inch square pan and bake until golden, 18 to 20 minutes.
Remove shortcake from pan and place on a rack to cool slightly. Cut into 6 pieces and split each piece in half horizontally.
Spoon some of the strawberries with their juice onto each shortcake bottom. Top with a generous dollop of whipped cream and then the shortcake top. Spoon more strawberries over the top and serve.

Whipped Cream:

  • 1 1/2 cups heavy cream, chilled
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon freshly grated lemon zest
Using a mixer, beat the heavy cream, sugar, vanilla, and lemon zest until soft peaks form, about 1 1/2 to 2 minutes.  

If anyone has tried this before me let me know how it goes! Oh, and don't forget to share! =)

Friday, June 15, 2012

GAP's T.I.Y. (T-It-Yourself)

I thought this was totally cool when I saw this in my email today from Gap! Gap used a thread less shirt that they are now selling and making it into a bag! So I guess, hey, if you're tired of that shirt you're wearing then don't put it to waste, make a cute summer bag out of it! I think that's pretty creative! Check out the instructions below to see how to make that summer bag look.

If any of you made or are going to make this bag, please share! I'd like to see what kind of cute and creative designs are out there!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Has anyone seen The Notebook? One of my all time favorite love story. I have not read the book, but I definitely fell in love with the movie!

I loved everything about The Notebook. I just love seeing two people who are madly in love that they would do anything for each other. It almost seems like sacrificial love, which is amazing! Like running into a burning building to save the one you love! It could be a parent, sibling, lover, and a pet even! But you do it all out of love and risking your own life because you just LOVE them! It is so selfless to not think of yourself but the other person. That's just amazing love! 

During the honeymoon phase of a relationship, things seem so perfect and everyone is in love, however, things can go awry. This is the reason why I'm sharing the image above because, in reality, relationships get tough over time. Relationships are never easy and this doesn't even have to deal with just a significant other. It could be a co-worker, friend, parents, etc. Anyway back to relationships, things become different after the honeymoon phase and it takes a lot of time and commitment to make things work. Relationships don't just work on its on. That's the reason why I love that quote from the movie. We all know that relationships aren't easy, but when you love someone enough and work through the tough times, I am quite sure it will be much more rewarding in the end! Now that is LOVE! 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Why...why.. why!?

Calling all cuties out there! This is for you!

It is! It is! It's totally impossible to ignore all the cuties! =) I just saw this image and I had to post this because it's way too cute not to.